Adult Ministries

A place to connect...

Adult Sunday school
All ages of adults have opportunities to meet together to share prayer concerns, study and encourage each other. Each of our 10 classes is divided by ages and/or life phases.  We invite you to join us as we journey into deeper personal faith through study of scripture. 
Women’s Bible Study
A vibrant study and fellowship with women seeking a deeper faith through the Scriptures.  Meeting times are varied throughout the week. Most studies are 7-10 weeks long, and are often from a Lifeway series. Contact the church office to find out the current series and schedule. 
Clinton Frame Sewing & Fellowship

Meets the 1st Wednesday of the month from 9 am-2 pm.  Enjoy quilting and knotting, a devotional, lunch and fellowship with others.

Wednesday evening classes
In the fall and winter we offer Wednesday evening classes for adults that run 10-12 weeks. These classes offer a place to make new friends, pray together and discuss topics and Biblical teachings. These groups take place on Wednesday evenings in conjunction with other activities and a meal together before activities begin. This is a great opportunity to get connected and grow deeper in your faith. Contact the office for more information.