Making and launching disciples of Jesus to transform our world.
Our values guide the way we accomplish our mission and how we discern and make decisions as a Church. These values will guide us in living out God’s mission through guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is the foundation and center of our faith and actions as believers. We will seek to be like Jesus in how we think and act.
God has revealed himself to us through the Bible and it forms the foundation of who we are as Christ-followers. We will use the Bible to know God, be guided in our faith, and influence the way we live.
God has called the Church to be a community of Christ followers who live differently than the world. We will be a place of mutual aid, servant leadership, encouragement in Christian living, and peace.
Salvation is made available to the world as a free gift for those who believe in Jesus Christ. We will proclaim the Good News in our homes, communities, and world.
Jesus sends and empowers his disciples to bring healing and hope to people and communities. We will respond to the needs of our community by being a healing presence.
About Our Mission:
Throughout Jesus ministry he commissions and sends his disciples into the world to make more and better disciples of Jesus, to be a healing presence, and to transform their world. We believe the call of Christian discipleship is to continue in this mission. Our mission statement reflect that calling to be active agents of God’s kingdom in the world. We will be a community that makes disciples in both numbers and depth and launches them out to transform their areas of influence, the surrounding communities, and the world. There are three areas that we will use to accomplish this mission in our community: Worship (our relationship with God), Community (our relationship with each other), and Mission (our relationship with the world).
Clinton Frame Church is a member of EVANA Network
Shared Beliefs and Values: EVANA Network embraces the teachings of the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, 1995. God is the creator of all that exists. The Bible is our fully inspired and trustworthy guide for who God is, what God is doing in the world, and how we can live as God’s people. Scripture also exposes the sin that holds us and our world captive to the forces of evil. We can find salvation through Christ alone. Through the atoning and victorious work of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection we may be reconciled to God.
All who open themselves to the Holy Spirit’s transforming power can experience forgiveness, healing, new life, and a new community of peace and joy. As baptized believers, we proclaim and live out Jesus Christ’s good news in a broken world. We gather regularly to worship and celebrate, discern God’s will, give and receive counsel, bear one another’s burdens, and be sent into God’s mission in the world. We seek to be peacemakers and wise stewards of the resources God has given us. Though we often fall short of God’s plan, the church is the foretaste and instrument of God’s reconciling activity in the world. We look forward to the day when Jesus Christ will return to make all things new.
Mission: EVANA Network invites people to faithful living in Jesus Christ by forming and enabling congregations to be healing and sending communities.
Vision: EVANA Network seeks God’s direction in calling out and sending forth a growing, ethnically diverse community of believers, empowered by the Holy Spirit to transform the world and to be transformed through Jesus Christ’s reconciling work.